
I like the thing that my big brother, Jay Lauser, and big sister, Carissa Mann, do. So I'm going to do some of it. I started once via Buzz, but no one kicked me and I forgotted. Bad me.


So. A list of things to be thankful for. (At least I think it was thankful...or was it grateful? Hmm. Is there a difference? :P)

1# The glimmer of sunshine coming through my bedroom window

2# Nice fleecy clothes in a cold winter

3# The beautiful ruby-and-diamond (probably fake :P) ring on my finger, that I used as a purity/engagement ring. (So people take me for engaged.) I symbolise the red with love, and the clear/silvery/white as purity.

4# Glasses because I am shortsighted

5# For God's grace in saving me - and restoring me - three times

6# For the healing of my broken heart, which I thought would never happen

7# For the power, passion and beauty of prayer

8# Prayer walks with my dog around the streets

9# My doggie. I prayed for nine years for him.

10# God's grace, strength and patience to wait for His will. I'm SUCH an impatient person.

11# My uniform. Yes, I still love it.

12# My corporal's stripes. They're sooo pwetty. And they show that I was responsible.

13# God bringing the Boss into my life. He's an awesome person and a second dad to me.

14# My wondrous and amazing 80 + siblings, who God keeps adding to week by week.

15# God's beginning of the restoration of the relationship between my Mom and me through our present family difficulties and my starting to open about my future to her - although I still intend to keep the past year a blank, God willing.

16# My four best friends; Kyle, Nick, Kiehl and Taylor. This from a girl who decided that no WAY would she ever have more than one best friend.

17# God's wonderful way of making you eat your words and find humiliating glory in doing so.

18# His wonderful providence in not letting you live out the starved existence you plotted for yourself.

19# Hot steamy showers after cleaning out smelly, mucky animals. :D

20# That God has actually given me a chance to wait. Something I never thought would happen...I can and do cry over that. :)

21# My very own laptop! I wanted one for two/three years, and God provided me with an old one. It accidently got smashed, and then He gave me a brand new one off the insurance!

22# My very own bed. I love the way a mattress gets to know you and your comfy positions! :D

23# My very own MP3 player, and the way God gave it to me. My brother had one, I didn't. I had a tape Walkman. His broke, Mom and Dad bought him a replacement - and then the company decided to replace it too. I got the extra. :D

24# The way you can download YouTube songs, convert them to MP3 Audio and then burn them off to a CD or put them on your MP3 in a matter of less than 10 minutes.

25# God

26# My beautiful baby niece. The sweetest little girl on earth, til I get my own. :P

27# Being a girl. This from a girl who hated her female limitations and saw it as a curse rather than a blessing. My "free and fiery" spirit still kicks against it at times, but there's other ways for that to soar. :P

28# Feminine charms. :D Yes, that sounds odd, but when you're begging a brother to do something and use pleading big blue puppy eyes, it's very handy. :D

29# My time and experience in the Air Cadets. It's grown me, humbled me and been used for good and ill.

30# The second hand that ticks away another moment of my earthly life. One step closer to being with Him!


  1. Thanks for posting these! It is a joy to see them. :)

  2. Good girl!! :D I'm very happy to see this... and hear about the changes God's been making in your life. :)

    Your big sister,


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