I'm Waiting on You, Lord.

Two of my closest girl friends have to be Kiehl G. and Lindi/Anjel C. God has blessed me so richly with and through their friendships. Both encourage when times are hard, speaking truth even when they know it hurts them and me. And the support they've given through the last several years has been incredible. I pray God will bless them both richly and shine their candles out in a blaze to the world.

Yesterday, Lindi (as those of you from OYAN will remember her) sent me this song. I heard it once before - it's used in the film "Fireproof". I liked it then, but forgot it. Lindi, it has blessed me so much. It's been on repeat all morning. You blessing!

While I'm waiting. I will worship and serve You while I'm waiting.

Well, for starters, I'm going to go back to my emails and pick up contact with eight of my female friends. I'll decide whether to with my guy friends later on.

Mrs. S
Lydia DeW.
Hannah M

And two of my guy friends:

Robert K
Taylor W.

I'm going to take the dog on a prayer walk every day. And make one meal a day - attempt. (Mom doesn't like them all taken off her hands. :) ) And get involved with the craft stuff - bracelets and plates. No, I don't enjoy it. Who said it had to be an enjoyable service? Rawr. I know all this. Can some of you please, please remind me for a while to email these people and to do these things? I would be really and truly grateful. Thank you and God bless you all! <3 ~Jane~


  1. That's so sweet Janie ;*
    I'm so glad that the song was a blesssing to you - I pray it will continue to be too!
    And, sure... I'll remind you to email me ;D

  2. Good lass! :D

    Thank you, love. You are a real blessing to me. :)


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