
Been thinking for a while - ie, several weeks - of creating a schedule. Just being as Teflon as Teflon Tony, I can't stick to one. :P

1 hour in the morning - Bible reading.
2 hours - making craft stuff to sell for Mom
3 hours afternoon - Internet
1 hour doing anything round the house to help Mom - dusting, vaccuuming, ironing.
1 hour - room tidying
2 hours - studying for English exam

Then of course, from 8-9 onwards to 12, Internet, as that's when most of my friends are online.

Of course, that's not taking into consideration our erratic family schedule, my college on Tuesdays, or Sat and Sun church/Squadron events. Or time needed to work on getting a job - or of coming up with ideas to raise money for the States. Argh!

I've been advised to start singing carols in nursing they will pay for entertainment, and it's nearly Christmas.
Last Christmas, I raised £30 odd for Africa, going around seven or eight homes carol singing on Christmas Eve. (I won't be doing it on the Eve this year, as I'll be at a play on the 22cd, at the Squadron party on the 23rd, and bagpacking for 196 on the 24th). I will be singing again this year round the houses - and yes, the money from that will be going to Africa.
And just two-three weeks ago, on two Saturdays leading up to Remembrance Sunday, I sang for six hours on both days with backup support from two cadets - Brad H and Shannon Y - on varying weeks, raising £447 for the Poppy Appeal.

Having a fortune in my throat enough to raise well over half of the money needed for the States is kind of amazing, although I do feel a little selfish at the idea of using the golden gift for myself.
I've been advised to sing in nightclubs too, but I won't be sinking to that level. ;)

So, come on! Help me out and blog up comments galore. What can I do to raise money for the States without a job? How can I keep to a regular schedule when I'm as headless and heedless as a will-o'-the-wisp?

Your eagerly-trying-to-change,


  1. Ah yes! I need to come back and post here about something you can do to raise money to get you over here in the spring ;) I'd so love to see you here in the states ;D


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