Little Parcel

I woke up this morning not feeling very good. Well, I usually feel physically great after a lie in, but not mentally, especially when waking at 1pm.

About half an hour later, Mom was just about to go out.

"Sian! There's a parcel down here for you."

I let out a shriek and bolted downstairs, as I was expecting one...although I had no idea what was in it. (I love surprise parcels, sometimes. :D)

"It can't be the one you think it's from Preston!" Mom said.

I blinked, knowing the Hodgson girls hadn't sent me anything!

Surprised, I tried to detangle the brown tape from the parcel, but it clung tightly to the lighter brown paper. The parcel was long, brown and slender - not like I was expecting. Though I didn't know WHAT I was expecting. :D

Finally ripping the tape off, I managed to start unrolling it, and eventually reached the bubble wrapping.

Now, if you're anything like me, bubble wrapping is half of the present. ;)

I stopped to read the message.

"To my beloved sister Sian. I'm sorry I couldn't find something prettier than what you see whenever you look in the mirror. These will have to do. :)"

I could see the blue colour as I began to open it, which was the only hint I'd been given, so I knew it was the parcel I'd been expecting.

Eight turquoise blue wooden roses slipped out the wrapping into my hand.

I reread the message. And cried.

I love big brothers who care so little about tradition that they do things people wouldn't normally class as proper.

Wooden roses are awesome. Because they don't die.

Thank You, Lord, for one of the most awesome guys I know, for the way he has and will touch my life and so many others. Please continue to bless him, strengthen him, and grow him mightily in You. Prepare him for the work that You have for him, and give him the strength and courage to do it.

In Christ's Name,


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