Why Do I Suffer?

IT'S PAINFUL! Oh, God, it's so painful. Why should I suffer like this? What have I ever done to deserve it? I've tried to follow You. Tried to do what You say. I've gone through my memories and I can't think of any sin I haven't repented of. So why am I going through this?

Those cries sound so familiar, echoed in the cries of those not born again..."If God was good, why do good people suffer?" And through the story of Job.

Maybe you've cried them. I know I have, guiltily.

And you know all the usual defending comments; that we are all sinners, that God grieves with us but that this is part of the curse.

Yes, He could stop it.

Do you know why He doesn't?

Because when you're living the easy life, how often do you turn to Him?

How often do you seek His face, to grow closer to Him and learn of Him?

How much is the value of earthly things to you, when you are in pain?

Because, to quote one tweet I read earlier:

"The truth is, He loves you too much to leave you the way you are."

The fire of the furnace. The cutter on the diamond. The storm and the sunshine.

You never learn the value of the light until you've known the darkness.

In Him,
Mademoiselle Siân


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