It's Another Bunch of Lessons! :D

I'm really excited over this project idea God has given me. Not just because of the potential it has to encourage and bless others, if done and used rightly, but because of the lessons to be had!

The last main thing in my life God taught me a hard lesson through was through being in love. He's still teaching me that.

Now He's brought this in! I'm so excited! Here are a few of the lessons I can see coming ahead.

Humility, Submission, Obedience, Accepting Instruction, Closer Prayer:
I must not be proud and act like I own this project or the ideas or inspiration but keep it humble, give God the glory, act only on His leading and not my own ideas, and give it back to God daily. I also must learn to listen to the advice and guidance of others, in accordance with what God is leading.

Faithfulness, Self Control, God-reliance:
I need to stop looking at my blog posts about this for readers and comments to see if many people are excited, and instead act in faith that God will bring it to whoever He wants. I also need to rely on what God has given me because He will provide what's necessary, when it's necessary. I shouldn't give up when people don't seem enthusiastic because it's God's, not mine. And I need to rely on Him for the strength to carry on when all of this daunts and overwhelms me.

Time Management, Productiveness:
I must work out how to balance time with family, preparing for the States and later, my job, with the internet, and spending time with my friends while not being on chat very much any more. This is where emailing will come in much more.

This is so exciting! An adventure to come! God is so good! :D


  1. *hugs tight* I'm so glad that you are continuing to learn! <3 I'll continue to pray that God continues to show you Himself!

    Love you lots,

  2. *hugs back* Thank you, dear! I really appreciate that!! *squidge*

    Love you muchly too,
    Janey xxxx


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