You Have Control, Sir.
I can see your heart is yearning. Everything is so unclear. Is the answer ever coming After all these years? So begins one of my favourite songs by the band 33 Miles. At the beginning of this year, I asked God for three things, which I believe He promised me. Two of them, I will tell you. One was that He would change me. The second, that He would bring my family back to Him and me. Yesterday God was very near. My heart was alive and full of joy as well as pain, for I could see two of those three coming closer. Today He seems close but distant in a sense - because I'm struggling to talk to Him. I lose words so often nowadays. I can force them out, but they seem so empty. And the pain and tears are back. And the confusion and the helplessness. Then we start the struggle. My struggle to trust and love and serve Him and let go, at the same time that I'm fighting for the controls. I went flying once and gliding twice. Each and every time we have a brief, to remind us of what to do, ...