Anti-Feminist?! ME?
And again, while cleaning my boss's house... :P I noticed a fridge magnet that not three months ago I would have found hysterically amusing. (I promise I didn't look at it for more than a few moments! I thought while I worked.) And still, even now in a bitter mood or out shopping with Mom, I would still have an outward amusement and find some satirical agreeing comment. You see, that fridge magnet read, "Never let your man's mind wander. It's too little to be out on its own." Suddenly, the whole idea behind it struck me as wrong. Sure, in the environment I live in it's funny; as a non-Christian I would've bought about ten and sent them around to all my other girl friends who are involved with boys. I was a feminist. Unwittingly so. My friends called me feminist. I denied it. I believed all the right things with my head, but I held all men with contempt in my heart. And I believed very strongly that any woman was equal to a man, could toughen herself up...