
I'm starting to end up sitting outside the Squadron for anywhere from ten minutes to half an hour afterwards now, depending on what's going on. Mike H., a cadet who joined two months before me, came back in October last year after pretty much a year's absence, and although no longer interested in the RAF hangs around for his friends, stays outside with me to make sure I'm safe til my dad picks me up.
Recently, we've got to opening up a bit with each other. It's nice to have a good open honest friendship with a guy without having to hedge or being scared it could develop into something bad. There's not many guys around that you can have that kind of friendship with, and I'm privileged to say I possess several.

What's the point behind this, is that recently we have both started talking about inner problems - his break up with his girlfriend, my heartbreak over an ex-cadet - and wondered what love was. I said that the only example I could see was God's love for us, and even that I can't understand...I know he doesn't agree with me, but it's nice to actually be able to be honest about what I believe without feeling he's going to get tetchy with me. He bluntly says that he doesn't believe it, and we've discussed a little about why he doesn't believe some things...why he believes others...why I believe what I believe...

It's not much of an open door, and its probably not very good with the kind of witness I am right now - but God uses Balaam's donkey. So I pray He will still use this very stubborn donkey, too. :)

God bless,


  1. I know how you feel, Jane. I only have two guy friends like that. It is good to have.... Most of the time. :P I will be praying for you. :)

    With love,


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