The Deepest Fear
It's possibly the deepest fear in both man and woman. For men, tucked away at the root of wanting respect. For women, buried under the surface of that longing to be loved. The fear that we're not worth it. Not worth being respected. Not worth being loved. Not worth it as a person, the very essence and uniqueness of us as an individual human being. Not worth fighting for. The fear that we're being constantly held up to the measure of those around us and being found wanting. That fear is found a voice as soon as we're rejected - by the person we respect, by the person we love most deeply. Whatever form the rejection takes, we sense it and the fear finds confirmation - we weren't worth it, to the person who counted the most. And it hurts. Oh, how it hurts. The whisper you've heard all your life is finally verified in action or word. It's true. You're not worth it. I'm not going to deny it, that they don't consider you worth it. That he doesn...