The American Journey - And Grace Will Lead Me Home (Interlude)

Hey everyone!

I realise it's been a while since I've been doing the promised updates, and honestly, I am trying to write them down for you and salvage the memories, especially of the four day road trip with Matt and Kiehl, the people we saw (Kellyn Post, Theodora, Grace DeBusschere, Laura and Daniel's wedding, Emily Audirsch, Jay Lauser, Taylor Weller) and the final few days in Washington.

It has been an _amazing_ blessed relief and growing time. God's Hand is clearly visible in both growing, learning and preparing me for what was to come. Which is the part I'm in now.

I will try to update you, but to be honest, at the moment, God is deeply moving in the depths of my heart and the things that are dearest to me. I cannot...share some things without betraying others' secrets - including my own - or sharing dreams of delicate and wispy substance which may or may not be fantasy...and thus, as well as being deeply emotionally stirred and spiritually challenged with trusting, letting go and peace in God, I'm unable to update right now.

I will, particularly in quiet times and on the journey home, attempt to scribble down some update of facts of those days - and piece together some fragment or shape of these days to share. I honestly wish I could share this journey with you, because while being intensely shaking and sometimes, it would be intensely painful if God hadn't wrapped me in what I can only describe as a defense bubble, it brings me intense joy and peace beyond...comprehension.

It's a peace I've fought for with long and hard prayer...a peace my friends have fought for alongside me.

To be sure, the pain is still there - I'm aware of it - but it's not...hurting. I keep consistently trying to hand the emotions back to God as soon as I recognise them.

I pray you continue to hold me before the Master's throne, and that He will see fit to hear and grant an answer to my prayer.

In Him,
Mademoiselle Siân


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