Of Three Trivial Things
My highest blog post views tend to be when the title contains the words love, marriage or something pertaining to it. I'm guessing that's because a) it's the most important subject in human life - being loved - and b) due to the fairly young/marital age range of my readers. Interesting note one. I came home from work today panicking somewhat inside due to being overdrawn again at the bank, wondering - again - why God hasn't yet met my financial needs. Then I turn around to see a new brown top with my floppy brown hat. I had to laugh. It was like He'd slipped a finger under my chin, looked into my eyes and said with a smile, "Sian, I'm looking after your material needs. Trust Me with the rest!" Truly, I can trust Him to supply all my needs when I need, though not necessarily my wants - or my needs when I want. So I may as well keep working and singing and leave Him with my worries too. Interesting note two. I have always, to some degree...