
Showing posts from March, 2013

When God Rode On the X51

It was cold. Very cold. And so foggy. My fingers couldn't take being outside my coat pocket for longer than two texts. They were a shade of grey blue. Work had been tough, tougher than usual; all I wanted to do was get home. Though to be honest, I'd be far more able to cope with the intense work pressure if my heart wasn't broken on top. Everything I've prayed for, believed in, hoped for and struggled against so much for came crashing down again at the beginning of February, but the final blow came from the main part of my hope. I felt trapped. Caged. Like a little bird behind bars, beating my wings frantically against them. Forced against my heart, soul and will to a choice that would affect the rest of my life if I decide the way some people want me to. When I say I spent one month crying before it became too dreary to weep, and me too weary, just believe it. Shaking, I pulled my blue coat close around me. The 51 bus came down the road. I moved a little towards it. It...

My Take on Les Miserables 2012

I titled this something more interesting and then figured it would be more interesting to see how many people read it with this title. :P #randomfactover Kinda funny; the girl who speaks on impulse has somewhat changed into the girl who has to think, consider and develop opinions on something that has affected her deeply. :P I'm sitting here listening to Les Miserables: Highlights (sometimes I'm so thankful for Spotify!) Finally, I managed to download the tracks I love off YouTube and convert them to MP3 Audio last night, (One Day More, Do You Hear The People Sing, I Dreamed a Dream and On My Own), and have been listening to them on repeat most of today. :P I first saw Les Miserables on February 24th, when my dear friend Jess Phelps suddenly invited me to go with her to the cinema in Birmingham on the spur of the moment, which we did after dropping Addison off at the train station. It's taken me this long to work out my initial reaction. :/ We missed half the tra...

Outrageous Marriage Views

So I was pretty stoked to write on an issue of waiting on God recently, which was going to be today's blog post. I'm not writing very much this year. :P Oh well, there has been a lot going on! Emotionally, if nothing else. No, you don't get an update on that. Another upcoming post will be focused on marriage to someone with a past, and on a lot of budding relationships recently that have been cut short by either "caring" parents or by the participants themselves because of something to do with the person's past. That's still developing though. :P Tonight an issue cropped up where a friend of mine asked me what I thought on him being married to his girlfriend with a witness before God and outside of a legal wedding. My response was that I'd have to think and pray about it. Still not done on the praying issue yet, but here's some of the thinking - thanks to the 15 voters who chose this post. ;) In an ideal world, church and state would be uni...