What is Truth?
I laughed at and shared a blog post this morning from satire site 'Babylon Bee', titled: ' Mark Zuckerberg Finishes Off Another Long Day of Deciding What People Can Believe ', with the comment "many a truth...". It chimes with something I've been chewing over a lot recently, especially with the 'Dominic Cummings incident'. Truth. What is truth? With the rise of Donald Trump to the US Presidency and the new #FakeNews label, disinformation became a topic that rose to the forefront. Sure, there has been misinformation, limited facts and distorted truth for thousands of years - as a Christian, I believe since the dawn of time, beginning with the words, "Has God said...?" Now, with the advance of technology and the internet age, our world has become one steady influx of information, everywhere. Facts, stories, news, global, political, local, everyone, everything, everywhere. And to spread their own agendas, others share their own storie...