Walking Through Forgiveness
I apply the last bit of mascara and blink. There. Perfect. Only wearing mascara today because, with blonde lashes, I look bald without it. My husband prefers no makeup on me, because he says I'm beautiful with and without, so I'm trying to accept myself without, spots and blotchy skin and all. I'm about to leave the house in half an hour to go and meet him after work. He finishes at 4, and then I'm going to talk him into an evening walk in the park with me before we go home. Ever the romantic! Plus, it's healthy, and it's Autumn. Haha! One of my favourite months. I did something today. I've been changing a lot recently. Marriage is a great changer of people. Especially when compared often with the relationship of Christ and His church. Today, I made a plan and ditched it. Ever since my life messed up five, almost six years ago, I've had a passionate fondness of plans. Order. KNOWING what is going to happen. Living in a situation where you don't...